Re: Who's out there?
From: Jerry Han <jhan@c...>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 14:12:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Who's out there?
Brian Burger wrote:
> <recieves a hollow echo back>
> All this prime real estate - and it doesn't even have that gamer-odour
> yet!
> I'd better grab a nice chair and one of the big gaming tables while
> they're still free... :)
> So who else is out here?
Doesn't this remind you of the old days of the 'net, where you didn't
have to stand in line for anything, and you actually had a chance of
knowing all the list members by name?
And I'm only 25! (8-)
/ Jerry Han - CANOE Canada - - \
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"...for man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion."