Scratch-building Re: More Spiney Bits
From: Rob Paul <rpaul@w...>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 19:01:45 +0000
Subject: Scratch-building Re: More Spiney Bits
At 14:05 20/11/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I just went to the local acrylic store, and picked up several 1/16th,
>1/8th, and 3/16th inch rods, as well as some small spheres to use as
>central bodies for making some minis.
>Grand total cost $3.20 US, and I now have enough materials to make a
>sizable fleet.
Little plastic birthday candle holders are another easily available item
scratch-building\modifying. They make particularly good large engines.
"Rob Paul
Dept of Zoology
Oxford University
South Parks Road
(01865) 271124
"Once again, villainy is rotting meat
before the maggots of justice!"