Re: [DS] Tank designs was Re: [ds] Ogres
From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 13:31:45 -0600
Subject: Re: [DS] Tank designs was Re: [ds] Ogres
At 12:38 PM 11/17/98 -0600, Mike Looney wrote:
>In the OGRE universe, the OGRE player will tend to lose, and lose big,
>if the "human" player takes a force of all GEV as his tanks.
>They run up, shoot, then run away, staying out of the OGRE's range.
>"Fuzzy Wuzzy Tactics", to quote SJG on the subject.
The article of that name refers to an earlier edition of OGRE, in which
this was true. When the game was first published by Metagaming, the
had a slightly higher movement factor, thus enabling them to move in,
attack and move away again without ever coming under attack.
The stats of the GEV in the later editions were better balanced, by
reducing the second phase movement rate. While GEVs are still a viable
weapon, they are no longer invulnerable to an OGRE. Because of this,
really needs more of a combined arms approach to take one down.
Another problem with that tactic is that larger numbers of GEVs tend to
in one another's way. A well played OGRE can generally pounce on at
one GEV per turn until it loses some guns or mobility. It's generally a
pretty close match.