RE: (DS/SG] was: Tech diffusion Now: Infamous John A and Ogres/Me cha
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 09:27:21 -0800
Subject: RE: (DS/SG] was: Tech diffusion Now: Infamous John A and Ogres/Me cha
Sorry and Yikes! Eminent it is! Yeah, I'm kinda interested in seeing how
Ogres fare using saving throw rules before I throw myself into
converting my
Ogre campaign into something that makes supertanks into giant targets
(however 'real' that may be).
> ----------
> From: John M. Atkinson[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 3:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: (DS/SG] was: Tech diffusion Now: Infamous John A and
> Ogres/Mecha
> George,Eugene M wrote:
> > Will infamous do? Hain't read that there Videssos, so I don't get
> joke.
> Esteemed is how Turtledove translates the honorifics for the upper
> echelons of the palace eunuchs. Eminent is the equivelant for. . .
> whole men. Infamous would do on
> > cybertanks though, and as other messages indicate, the Ogres (and
> > blow up real good!
> We are planning to try Ogres out again with the saving throws for boom
> chits. Soon!
> John M. Atkinson