Re: SG2 vehicles (was Re: Full Thrust...)
From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 17:35:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: SG2 vehicles (was Re: Full Thrust...)
Jon(GZG) wrote:
(on GZG's old range of 15mm vehicles)
>Yes, they are long out of production, and the old moulds are pretty
>now. However, we still have the masters around in a box somewhere....
Are there any photos around that could be webbed so we could see what
vehicles looked like, and is there any chance of redoing the moulds
sometime if there's enough interest?
(I know there's a million other projects going - and those are just the
ones we've heard about - but I know there's a fair number of 15mm
Stargrunters out there)
Anyone interested in 15mm Stargrunt should check out 'Deathskull's'
Stargrunt page. He has an interesting section on his vehicles - he
scratchbuilds out of wood a fair bit, and modifies other 15mm vehicles.
The URL:
Brian (
-- --DS2/SG2/gaming &