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Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards andAnthems(andnowsomebackground) [OT] [HIST]

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 12:27:25 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [fh] nac vexilliology was Re: Awards andAnthems(andnowsomebackground) [OT] [HIST]

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, John M. Atkinson wrote:
> >   My most rabidly Welsh (excuse me, Cymric) acquaintance assures me
that it
> > is a wyvern, regardless of how many legs it has.  Presumably this is
> Nonsense.  Dragon.  

i can see a way out here. 'dragon' is a genus of the cryptosaurian
'wyvvern' is a species in that genus. sorted.

> > an English leopard, which is really a lion.  I don't know, I mostly
> Of course, which it is described as varies from time to time.  It's a
> rather common myth that the rules and regulations we are discussing
> common during the medieval period.  Most were introduced (along with
> assorted and contradictory systems ascribing meaning to the various
> charges, colors, metals, ordinaries, etc) during the 16-17th

exactly. in the same way as the victorians invented all the rules about
tartans and the idea that clans have their own specific tartan.


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