Re: [SG2] [DS2] Sniper factoids (OT?)
From: "Jim 'Jiji' Foster" <jiji@m...>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 10:04:59 -0700
Subject: Re: [SG2] [DS2] Sniper factoids (OT?)
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998 10:46:09 Thomas Barclay wrote:
<much excellent snippage. Thanks, Thomas!>
>Just thought people would find this interesting. I highly recommend
>Through The Crosshairs by Michael Lee Lanning. It is a good look at
>sniping through the ages (Amero-centric a bit). It
Another good one is _Sniping_ by Adrian Gilbert. Being British, it takes
a much more global view of sniping. It's less a technical book and more
of a historical survey of the situations that produced snipers and then
the doctrines that the various western armed forces developed for their
use. A good starter, IMO.
I was looking through some sniper websites and found Sniper Country
( which not only has a good bibliography
with reviews but interesting sniper-related discussions... including a
sniping "You make the shot" category where users are given a potential
scenario and have to create an operational plan for completion and
deliver a briefback to the webmaster. He'll then rate the plan.
Anyhow, they did have mention of a book like I was looking for, _The
German Sniper, 1914-1945_ by Peter Senich.... but it's a "serious"
history book that lists for $60! Maybe the local library can get
it....however that still leaves a blank as far as Soviet sniping
doctrine in that era. And yes, I have read _Enemy At The Gates_; an
excellent book. Wish I could find a copy of my own...
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