Re: [DS and SG] Regiments of the Crown
From: laserlight <laserlight@m...>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:07:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [DS and SG] Regiments of the Crown
> > Those darned Americans - do we have to go burn the
> > Whitehouse again?
> > :)
> >
> LOL!! Sorry sir, that particular 'bonfire' is something we southerners
> for ourselves! ; ) But heck, the place does need it... ; )
(snip, and the following dialect slightly adjusted)
> As an amusing side note: the Queen's Own Huntsville Rifles saw action
once during
> a scenario which featured a 'cross Channel' assault by units from the
> Alabama mountain boys defending Dover and Kent! LOL!!
> "Hey sarge, whar'd them 'Euries' land?"
> "Down yonder by Dover town, Ah reckon 'bout 10 klicks. Guess them 'red
coats' gonna
> hog up all the action"
> "Well, Ah ain't never been able to miss a good scrap. Ah came over to
this heah
> England to see some action, and by gommit, Ah mean to-- Ya'on 'to
> "Awwwwright... on yer feet, yuh buncha in-bred, yankee-want-to-be's,
there's a war
> on and Her Majesty has done sent y'all an ingraved invitation! Gonna
them city
> slicker limey soldier boys how REAL riflemen shoot! MOVE IT!!"
Followed by a soul-chilling Rebel Yell: "YEEEEEEE HAH!"
(It ain't just the Brits who hold on to their traditions....)
--a Virginia Gentleman