Re: ADLER TAG AAR - Soundtrack (OT)
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:09:18 -0400
Subject: Re: ADLER TAG AAR - Soundtrack (OT)
Hopefully this didn't go twice...
Jim 'Jiji' Foster wrote:
> The Imperial March. Not cliche; it's classic...frankly, all of the ST
battle music would fit (naturally.) A bit genre specific, however.
Yes I agree the whole Star Wars trilogy has great music. But I have it
so associate dwith the movies it's tough to game non starwars stuff to
it. Well maybe not...
> So long as we're voting for soundtrack cuts: most, if not all of Conan
(Basil Pouleadouris again), and selected bits from Fifth Element and
Stargate would work.
I have 5th element(I liie the opera peice and subsequent Lelu Dallas
fight. two great pieces. I don't have Stargate, sounds like it's worth
picking up?
Aaron Teske wrote:
> 6. Arise, People of Russia (Alexander Nevsky) 2:29 26:20
Another cool tune is the one they play when the Germans are attacking
across the ice and the Russians are waiting.
> Anyway, it's not really entirely space-based, and I'm thinking I may
> to throw in some B5 (got the Severed Dreams CD after this list was
made up)
> or maybe something from Ben Hur. Dunno, I need to play around a
bit... if
> anyone else actually has all the CDs I use above, though, I'll be very
> impressed with your CD collection. ^_^;
I'll be poking around for some of this stuff as I'm always on the
lookout for good gaming music. I've got Ben Hur, I use some of that on
my Ancients and Napoleanics gaming CD. The naval battle mix is very
BTW another great tune for fighter combat is called Battle in teh Sky.
If you have seen the Battle of Britain, its the orchestral peice
accompanying the last great air battle in the movie. I just acquired a
copy of both Battle of Britain and Where Eagle's Dare last month.
Excellent stuff by Ron Goodwin.
The THING by Ennio Morricone came in the mail today. It aslo has some
good ominous stuff in it.