Misson Card and...
From: Robert L Lovely <enigma@s...>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 08:25:40 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Misson Card and...
A friend of mine (who told me about this list...Mike? where are
you?...) Showed up at a con with a bunch of index cards with
little "tweek" one-shot effects on them. Anyway I can get ahold of
At one time I had ideas for more of these, but law school has pretty
sucked my soul for the time being... If I think of anything I'll offer
for what its worth...
just eyes, tentacles and
"Cthulhu"Bob Lovely * M.I.B. for Steve Jackson Games
Chair MisCon 14 * Call of Cthulhu Gamemaster
Memorial Day Weekend * Father, son, brother,
2000 * Spiritual Advisor and all
* around geek...
* "Whatever you do, don't smudge
* that big star on the--floor...
* oh, crap..."--The late
* Charles Dotting.