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Re: Figure's Personal Equipment [MINIS]

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 21:42:26 -0500
Subject: Re: Figure's Personal Equipment [MINIS]

 first I'd like to repeat my (regular) call to
> > Jon for
> > more belt order/marching order figs plus REcon/LURP/Pathfinder types
> > with
> > rucks/bergens and kit.

Here here! Right now, I'm using line infantry for my SOF troops. I'd 
like to have more appropriately kitted out guys. Normally grunts may 
drop their rucks at the ORP and fight with just belt kit (although my 
webgear usually also meant pouches and such on the vertical strapping 
too), but SOF will travel more heavily equipped (they too may drop 
stuff, but the heavy kit would help distinguish their figures). The 
only folks I've seen with some heavy kit are the Mercs and they might 
merit it because they may do more walking than your average line 
Infantry. But even the most mechanized unit will still need guys with 
ammo pouches (If your mag holds 1500 rounds, then you'll just end up 
shooting 5000 in an engagement.... nature of the beast), a place for 
your canteen (or two in some places), a place for a wound dressing 
and some sulfa, a place for a bayonet, a spot for your maps and GPS 
rig,  a place for your Gerber tool, a pouch for your face cam, a 
chocolate bar, and spare dry socks. 

  And secondly I'd actually like to suggest an
> > alternative,  I have recently been shopping around 20mm WWII figs
> > I was
> > stunned, the quality of many manufacturers completely blows away
> > 25/28mm manufaturers (GZG included), PLUS, the figs ALL have a
> > realistic
> > amount of kit.  In particular worth looking at for use in sci-fi are
> > late
> > war German SS Panzergrenadiers with assault rifles, thier smocks,
> > helmets
> > and weapons don't look out of place when comaperd with  modern/near
> > future

Yeah, but they do still look like WW2 Germans - yes some of this mini 
work is fantastic. They have great sculptors (or whatever explains 
there high detail - Ever compared GHQ microarmour to Scotia? GHQ is 

> > figs and with a bit of careful shopping around moutain troops and
> > others
> > equiped with rucksacks can be found.  I think one other advantage of
> > the
> > 20mm figs may be the problem of crowded table that can occur with
> > 25/28
> > (more especially the latter) platoons. 

Really, if you're going to make 10m = 1", then you need to get 
figures that are 6mm if you even want to be close to ground scale. I 
like 25mm because you can make the figures look good (15mm and 10mm 
are just too small for ME to comfortably paint detail). 

 I have seen games with a
> > couple of
> > platoons of 20mm figs plus 20mm AFVs on a 6x4 table and they do not
> > look
> > too squashed in.  And remember, 20mm (ish) buildings are easily
> > available
> > in model railway stores !

Actually, that is a 25mm Peeve. Why are all 25mm buildings seemingly 
pre-smashed? Armourcast makes a bunch of building fragments. Does 
anyone make 25mm buildings that don't look hokey? The railway guys 
make great stuff, but it isn't in the right scale. Probably the 
ability to work in polystyrene as opposed to resin helps here. 
Although I like the Armourcast stuff (and am ordering more of it, I 
like their new concrete bunker), I would like to be able to build a 
good looking town in 25mm. Ideally with removable roofs and floors so 
one can position the squad inside. You could have excellent urban 
battles. I'm not as anxious as our friends from Oz who built their 
own table sized area with multi-level usable buildings (BTW, are you 
guys ever going to post a picture somewhere?). 

Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

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