Re: (OT) Rules "inspiration" (was [OT] Bring and Battle
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 12:59:18 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: (OT) Rules "inspiration" (was [OT] Bring and Battle
You wrote:
>In SF, our range finder is the big-ass laser thing which we never even
>take with us because it's a a pain to carry and use, (Unless we are
>directing Close Air Supprt). It's just as easy to use the timeless
art >of range estimation or map crossrefrencing. (reesection/
We used to have a fellow in our unit who went hog-wild with all sorts
of private purchase gear. He had a laser rangefinder that was about
the size of a maglite which he used when on landnav courses to lase
terrain features. He was also crazy as the day is long, but who's
counting? Modern hunters can buy this sort of stuff today, why
wouldn't it be built into military sights 200 years in the future? You
can also buy them built into binoculars.