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Re: Planet Assault

From: Eric Ackermann <eackerma@v...>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:10:42 -0400
Subject: Re: Planet Assault

Some early morning thoughts:

In a "limited" war framework, with the goal to capture, not destroy the
planet, one way to game it would be to establish a limited number of key
points per planet, moon(s), etc in a system. To control the
one had to take and hold these key areas. Once done, the planet
The possibility of a subsequent low-grade guerilla war would be
on the degree of victory: the more costly to the attacker, the more
that the population would support any die-hard efforts at partisan
fighting. The more decisive the victory (ie, speed and few attacker
casualties), the more demoralized the defenders, and the less likely the
population would support the continuation of the war via partisan
activities. Such low-intensity fighting could be abstracted in terms of
requiring an increased garrision or suffer decrease in resources
from planet. Or could be gamed out, whichever the referee/players wish
to do.

All of the above could be genearted by a die roll modified by other
such as traditional rivalries between attackers and defenders, proximity
relief forces for defender, etc.

My two FSE francs worth,

Eric Ackermann

At 12:05 PM 9/28/98 -0700, you wrote:
>The thing to do is concentrate your meager (compared to the planet)
>resources to gain air & space superiority on one specific piece of real

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