Re: OT: New Battlefleet Gothic in White Dwarf.
From: "Mark A. Siefert." <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 10:33:26 -0600
Subject: Re: OT: New Battlefleet Gothic in White Dwarf.
Roger Gerrish wrote:
> Don't think you need to worry about the design changes, after all the
> Universe theoretically has ships in it that are over 10,000 years
old, some
> of the ships in frontline service are based on reclaimed Space Hulks
> were lost in the distant past. So your existing miniatures are not
> and its likely that stats for those ships will be published in the
> etc sometime....(or you can make some up)
Just as long as they kept the Gothic Class Battleship, and
change it too much.
> Ork ships on the way.
I can see it now... a fleet composed entirely of garbage scows!
The two new Imperial ships they presented in WD were fantastic!
love to see what they've done for the rest of them.
> There will be rules for Eldar and Orks......not sure about Tyranids
> yet...the rule set in WD is just a taster of what is to come, however
> is still time for changes and I know Andy Chambers is looking for any
> comments, criticisms etc.
I've played a couple of rounds last night to get the feel for
rules. They're quit playable. Movement could be just a tad more
realistic, but it's nice for beginers. The one thing I don't like are
the torpedo rules. They just move in a straight line 30cm per turn
until they hit something. They don't "home in" on their targets.
> I can't comment on any of the additional stuff as I'm playtesting and
> with the FTFB for GZG I can't let much slip....however there are rules
> Fighters, Boarding Combat, Wierd weapons, Exterminatus scenarios and a
> pretty decent campaign system that has some quite unique features.
So this is a real, honest-to-Bog project? They are serious
releasing this thing in the not too distant future. (Next Sunday A.D.)
> Please don't take the above as being the words of somebody assimilated
> the GW collective, I play plenty of non-GW games (I love FT and was an
> playtester), I'm just lucky that I live in Nottingham and am friendly
> the GW designers who have asked me to playtest BG.
You mean the Evil Empire actually DOES playtest their games? Or
this a first?
> So far I think the game plays well and will be an interesting addition
> the genre.
So far, what I've seen is pretty playable. Torps need some
movemen-wise. When I've played a few real games with some real
opponents, I'll type up a report to Mr. Chambers.
Mark A. Siefert
"I've got plans for you, Goldilocks."
--Sitting Bull to Custer