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Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 01:07:06 +0100
Subject: Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.

	Sorry John but I think you only got it half right. Sure surface
ships are
going to have major problems with Grav tanks when they get close inshore
well as further out to sea if the tanks have top class ECM and stealth.
What will deffinately set them apart is length of deployment. A ship can
stay on station for weeks either blockading or simply getting from one
place to another. A Tank is going to get rather ripe inside after a
of days semi coped-up.
	The one warship that will remain unchallenged except by its own
is the
submarine. You'll get Boomer types that carry orbital defences and the
hunter-killers to track them down or defend them. 
	Just had an image flash through my head of a Los Angles class
sub doing a
para drop into the Pacific. When you go to sieze a planet you drop not
the PA infantry to secure a beechhead, but you also drop your attack
to clear out the defences.
	Its late.


At 08:02 25/09/98 -0500, you wrote:
>You wrote: 
>>Do any of the NAC/NSL/FSE etc. have blue water navies?
>>Is there a place for them with grav vehicles and starships?
>IMHO, a lot of the roles of these clowns can be taken up by Grav MBTs. 

>A MDC/5 or DFFG/5 on a small, fast, well armored hull can sink any 
>freighter out there, and scrap most any warship small enough to avoid 
>being 'plinked' from orbit.  Brown water craft will likely abound, but 
>the blue water stuff is primarily there for maintaining or cutting 
>SLOCs (Sea Lines Of Communication) which won't be likely to have the 
>exaggerated prominence that they do, for instance, in the case of the 
>United Kingdom or the United States (one being an island and hence 
>forced to have a navy or be restricted to invading Scotland yet again 
>and the other having oceans between itself and any enemies, unless of 
>course Canada is taken over by Nazis)
>John M. Atkinson

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