Re: Review?
From: "Jerome Avrillon" <jiji@m...>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 08:41:25 -0700
Subject: Re: Review?
On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:11:56 Magnus Alexandersson wrote:
Well, if you insist...
FTGZG-L is a delightful little vintage produced on a daily basis by a
frankly dizzying array of cyber-vintners. The proverbs about 'too many
cooks' aside, this diversity of creative input produces an end product
which is suprisingly mellow and smooth, with only the occasional tang of
bitterness. An astoundingly high quality, considering the output of this
particular label. The bouquet is quite pronounced, a delightful
cornucopia of charged phosphors and acrylic paint with just a hint of
the 'je nais sais quois' of gamerooms everywhere.
This particular number works well as an aperitif before gaming, creative
or painting sessions, as a lubricant for bull sessions, and usually
works with rules beefs as well. Does not go well with chickensh*t
munchkins. While no hard and fast rules of etiquette surround its use,
it is typically a gentlepersons' drink, and has become 'de riguer' at
fashionable After Action Reviews.
Four Stars
(Stop that! This is getting silly... >^_^<)
Jim 'Jiji' Foster /
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