Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.
From: Jonathan Jarrard <jjarrard@f...>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:02:36 -0400
Subject: Re: GZG FH: Blue water navy.
Given the threat of an orbital strike, you might even finally see some
of the more fantastic designs for submersible aircraft carriers or
amphibious assault vessels being built.
Such aircraft carriers would be unlikely to have the kind of striking
power that a current U.S. supercarrier does, but the ability to keep the
launching ship alive to recover the strike force might make it worth
while. Possibly the aircraft would need to be submersible as well.
I remember reading a Popular Mechanics article positing a next-Century
submersible carrier that carries a force of submersible aircraft
(possibly grav tanks or something similar in a DSII environment). The
idea was that the sub would infiltrate as close to the enemy land
positions as possible, then launch its strike force. The strike force
would then proceed even closer (possibly widely dispersed) and then
surface and take to the air too close for orbital or long-range
air-defenses to be deployed.
Following the strike, the returning strike craft would again submerge
and proceed separately to a pre-determined rendevous with the
mothership. The idea was that this would prevent angry defenders from
tracking the strike ships back to the carrier.
All very elaborate, I know, but kind of nifty. Some friends and I had
some fun introducing a vessel like this into Victory Games' 7th Fleet
game. I only had a single squadron of Harriers to throw into the fray,
but the sudden appearance of a CAP in the wrong place could give the
Soviet player fits!