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RE: [GZG] Future Police (ESU)

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 22:04:35 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] Future Police (ESU)

Well, my are of focus is the ESU, so I'll comment a bit here.

A lot of this is extrapolation from present-day generalizations; so,
it FWIW.

Local 'beat cops' Pistols, SGs in cars/on animals (mounted patrols
on backwater colonies).  Some BA standard issue in richer areas, 
pilfered/requisitioned from military in poorer areas.  There's a lot of 
these guys all over the ESU.  A common sight, and their abilities &
run the entire gamut of possibilities.

SRT (Special Response Team): Pretty much a universal feature in most ESU

areas.	Standard military equipment, mostly carbine/SMGs for
work.  Has access to most everything if necessary - mostly 
second/third-line stuff.  They could come up with GMS/Ps and laser
rifles, but it would take a while, and may not be the best stuff.  They
equipped from the stocks of Class 3 units (small cadre, paper
equipment in storage).	They would be amalgamated into local militias 
during times of trouble to provide 'stiffening'.  Pretty big for the 
population size - lots of cops go through rotation in the SRTs.  They
action a good bit more than present-day SWATs - ESU policy is that the 
hostages don't matter, as long as the hostage-takers are eliminated. 
always choose storming over negotiation.  They also have higher
rates than present-day SWATs.  A lot of my gang war/uprising scenarios 
involve SRTs backing up cops & militias.  They do have PA, mostly
from the military, and these are kept in good condition as they have
quite useful on occasion.  A few light armored vehices are available as 

Militia:  Considered part of the military, but is often used for police
emergency duties.  Sort of like Present-day US National Guard.	Has full

military personal equipment, second-line equipment, but they have
units of armor, air. arty, all the fun stuff.  PA is rare to
 These units are subject to call-up by the ESU gov't, and they are
into Class 2 units (about 1/2 staffed, 1/2 equipment in use, remainder
storage).  Class 2 units and the Militias are often one & the same, or 
there is much rotation.  Militias (& Class 2 units) are better trained
civil situations than other military units.  They are the second-largest

'Big Stick' the ESU can employ against it's citizenry.

Military: The ESU, in times of dire civil problems, calls in the
& treats it like a military situation.	This is usually accompanied by
of press censorship and propoganda, as few citizens like the thought of 
their army shooting them.  Most situations that require the military are

attributed to 'terrorists' and other 'outside elements'.  The use of the

military in a civil situation is actually rare; it's a power that the
knows not to abuse.  Too much of that, and the citizens become restless.

 There's too many citizens & not enough soldiers for that...


-----Original Message-----
From:	George,Eugene M [SMTP:Eugene.M.George@kp.ORG]
Sent:	Friday, September 18, 1998 04:20 PM
To:	''
Subject:	[SG2] You'll never take me alive, coppers:Was RE: PA

Which brings me to another point, once gone 'round a while back. "Less
Lethal Force" now, I don't want to dredge that up again per se, but I
thinking about levels of police armaments around our azure sphere. The
Metropolitans are armed only with truncheons, right? Then other branches
local (and national?) police/paramilitary forces are armed with
pistols/shotguns/s.m.g's as a matter of course. In the USA we choose to 
fairly inadequate weapons to most of our Law Enforcement types, save in
certain SWAT/Response Teams. What's the level of armaments around our 
global GZG community?

I figure three or four arbitrary levels:
1) Unarmed (Bobbies? Some American Mall Security/Bank Guards)
Pepper Spray

2) Armed (Most US (Canadian? Mexican? Street Cops/Sheriffs, Armored car
guards) Have small caliber handguns, shotguns for defense/offense. May
light body armor.

3) Paramilitary (SWAT Teams, Carbinieri,???) Armed with smg's, sniper
rifles, assault rifles. Light body armor a must, at least.

4) Military  Indistinguishable from the local military. (Banana
Soviet KGB Border Guards/ Customs Guards) Probably less (or no)
artillery/armor support though....

I'm curious to the local levels and organization names around our big
web, and opinions/ ideas on the GZG future history counterparts.


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