Re: Near space maps [slightly OT]
From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 13:32:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Near space maps [slightly OT]
Oh, an amusing note...
I've been looking at the star maps on Winchell (Nyrath) Chung's webpage
again recently and realized something funny about Star Trek's general
of a clue.
In Star Trek: TNG the Federation tries to intercept a Borg cube "headed
straight for Earth" at Wolf 359, resulting the worst massacre in the
history of Starfleet.
The problem is, Wolf 359 is quite a bit off from the least-time course
between Earth and anywhere in general direction of the Delta quadrant.
Borg cube would have had to make about a "3-point turn" upon arriving at
Wolf 359 to reach Earth.
As a matter of fact, Alpha Centauri would have been a much better choice
the part of the scriptwriters, since it IS in an almost direct line
Earth and the Delta Quadrant.
Oh, well...par for the course...