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Re: FCT, Small is Relative.

From: "Steve Pugh" <steve@w...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:43:44 +0100
Subject: Re: FCT, Small is Relative.

>      The FCT is constantly put down as being small, one must remember
> the economy of the state of California is the seventh to ninth (I
> remember exactly) in the world.  


Don't forget there's another american civil war and then the earlier 
the NAC/LLAR conflicts will be right on the future FCT's doorstep.

> IF the precident continues the FEW planets occupied by the FCT
> would be quite rich and VERY independent.
> (It's the Texas influence, combined with the California wealth.)

Tat's one huge if. The chances are that the colonies that the FCT 
started with are rather crummy, after all the NAC would hardly let 
prime territory go without a fight.

And don't forget: it's quiet possible that the FCT may combine all 
the worst qualities of California and Texas....

The Ground Zero Games Meta-FAQ is available at

Steve Pugh   <>

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