Re: Powered Armour
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:00:38 -0500
Subject: Re: Powered Armour
Allan spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> I've been debating whether the commandos should be veterans or elites.
> ideas?
If they are the descendants of SAS, Canadian SSF, US SF or US SEALS
then probably it would be fair to make them about a 50/50 mix of vets
and elites (representing the fact that, although the unit is elite,
even elite units have people in training or slotting in from other
units thus affecting the overall squad).
You'll also need rules for 'waking up' guys who are presumably
sleeping and 'warming up' combat vehicles. My rule I'm planning to
use in scenario is roll squad quality for each sleeping squad to beat
ldr+2. Roll when the squad is activated. If you make it squad can act
in that activation as it has 'got itself together'. You could give +1
per turn elapsed to the roll if you wanted.
Once the crew has boarded a vehicle in a deactivated state, they
must take an 'Activate' action to attempt to get the systems powered
up. Roll crew quality to beat ldr+1 (unit needs to start up, run at
least minimal pre-action checks, get fusion plant and weapons online,
etc). If this isn't done, any weapons fire is on manual firecontrol
(D4) and even this is only allowed for cartridge firing weapons like
SAW, RFAC, HMG. HELs, DFFGs, etc. and guided missiles may not fire
until power plant spooled up.
Now, if vehicles were kept in 'hot standy', then the power plants and
such might be running at some low level and firecons and such might
not be totally depowered. So perhaps giving the crew a one or two die
shift modifier to their roll (allowing them a higher probablity of
bringing the vehicle online in the first Activate action.
Just some basic thoughts. :)
Thomas Barclay
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255
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