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Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

From: jeremy claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:58:05 +0100 ()
Subject: Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:44:50 +0300 (EEST) Mikko Kurki-Suonio
<> wrote:

> I fully agree. I just find it funny that when a guy does exactly that
> finds out what works by the rules and bases tactics on it -
accusations of
> rules lawyering, cheese etc. are never far away.
> Do we cut the gals more slack? Is it just because they are women, or
> because we assume they wouldn't have known that a particular tactic is
> realistic but a loophole in the rules?

I personally find that women understand it as a game more than men. When
I have coaxed the misses into 
playing in the past I always lose why, well it's simple I choose tactics
based on an understanding of 
past battles. The misses just sees that she has losts of guns with
various ranges, she may even see that 
she has objectives to get. The best example was when playing DSII I
attempted to take an objective with 
some of my force, with the rest covering. To my surprise the misses
seeing this tactic used every unit 
she had to attack the objective. Blew me apart while I desperatly tried
to bring my non-commited units 
into play. It's simple she said you wanted it and so did I, I used more
men than you. But what about the 
rest of the battlefield I said. She then looked at the casulties like
chess pieces and announced. Well 
try and grab another one then I'm doing better than you. :)

Women! watch em or they'll take over the world ;)

jeremy claridge

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