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Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

From: Shrike <voivode@i...>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 16:47:21 +0000
Subject: Re: [semi OT] Women wargamers -longish

>>d) The "she's just a girl" attitude. Now I know that many guys don't 
>Maybe it's just my experience, but when I see a woman on the other side

>of the table I start watching for unconventional stuff that looks at 
>first like it's stupid but really is something insidiously effective.	
>It's very rare that I run into a woman who's going to be following 
>conventional wisdom on tactics.

YES, that is one thing that I too have learned with gaming with women,
have a very different take on strategy and tactics that is odd, yet
very effective.  My wife doesn't play anything like I do, to the point
we can't even play on the same side with the same troops, we simply
work out a mutually compatible battle plan.  If its just a factor of two
armies allied, then its not so bad. . .since you never expect your
to help in any way YOU want. . .

I have had to eat my words sometimes after I tell her that I thnk she
shouldn't do something because I think it is. . . er, tactically unsound
try to be diplomatic about telling my wife I think her plan stinks, as
tends to cause another battle that has nothing to do with mini's. .   :)
and then to have it work well.

To be honest, my wife is the most difficult opponent I have to play, as
has insights into my thought processes that no ones else does, whereas I
swear that everytime I think I have figured her out, she goes and does
something different!  This may be the secret...


Ryan aka Shrike

-  It is slavery to deny the individual the rights  -
-  and means for self defense, for without them     -
-  freedom can be neither achieved nor maintained.  -

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