Re: [DS2] Hammers Slammers advocacy wars (from various other threads)
From: IronLimper@a...
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:57:05 EDT
Subject: Re: [DS2] Hammers Slammers advocacy wars (from various other threads)
In a message dated 98-09-10 10:47:37 EDT, you write:
IIRC the only ATMS mentioned in HS were unguided and
shoulder launched basically a future LAWS called a
buzzbomb - rules for these are in DSII
IIRC the 'Books' don't mention any other ATMS systems.
Check Rolling Hot page 28 for a laser-guided ATGM. I vaguely remember
sort of ATGW's mounted on Bedouin "technicals" in The Warrior.
<rummage, rummage>
Found it. Page 138 of The Warrior. So there you are, there *are* ATGM's
in the
HS universe. It's just that very few people are stupid enough to use
against the Slammers.