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Re: [CON] Shorecon

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 19:48:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [CON] Shorecon

You wrote: 

>	I work for Heartbreaker Hobbies and most of my weekend at 
Shorecon will be >spent demoing Warzone and Chronopia. If you do go 
through with your proposed >demos of DSII or esp. SG let me know. I 
play FT, not FB stuff yet, I have >played DSII but not recently and I 
own SG. I'd be interested in any help you >could give teaching and/or 
refreshing me on either system. Thanks.

The short answer is that it's entirely too late to set something up 
formally, but getting some tablespace for a pickup game would be easy 
enough, according to John Tinney.  I'll be bringing up all my GZG 
stuff, and I'd like to teach, demo, or play any of it.	I'll look for 
you at the Warzone table, right?  I'll be looking for some demos of 
that--I've got some Warzone figures that I havn't used in a while.  Got 
two squads of 'em in exchange for some of my old 40K garbage.  :)  I've 
got enough to do both sides of DSII, but I've only got one platoon's 
worth of SG figures.  But I'm willing to bet that we could knock 
together conversions of Warzone stuff in about five minutes if you 
don't have your own SG.  :)

John M. Atkinson

Prev: Re: [OT] Re: GenCon UK mini-report Next: Re: [FT universe] was [URL] New Star and Campaign Maps/Novel