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Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 14:30:03 +0200
Subject: Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.

Mikko wrote:
> I want to play a "Slammers-inspired" force in a bring'n'battle. Is
> really too much to ask?

OK. *I* want to play a Mecha-inspired force in a Mayfair "Hammer's
Slammers" game, or a Slammers-inspired force in Mecha Carnage. Can I do
this without changing the rules a lot? Is it really too much to ask that
I should be able to?

And don't tell my anything about mechas don't belonging in the "Hammer's
Slammers" universe. You're the one who don't seem to want genre
limitations applied.

> > Don't moan about it! It doesn't help! It only hinders.
> To offer you another analogy, what would you say if you bought a house
> and got a pile of bricks and a sack of cement with a brochure reading:
> "The new CementSlab 2000 housing system is completely customizable.
> Therefore, no customer complaints about design will be accepted."?

If all I got was a pile of bricks and a sack of cement, yes. However,
that analogy doesn't hold - what you *do* get when buying DSII is the
analogue of a fully functional flat or house designed to allow you to
move most walls etc as you like, if you find that you don't like the
current lay-out. (I live in such a house, and have done just that.)

If you, after buying such a house, starts moaning about "my bedroom is
too small", none of your neighbours will sympathize with you. They'll
just tell you "So? Knock a wall out, then..." - and this is *exactly*
reaction you've gotten here on the list.

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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