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Re: GZG OT Duck the tape

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:38:15 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG OT Duck the tape

laserlight spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

Isn't that Tuck tape? 

Besides, Electrical Tape has always been crap for making electrical 
connections hold together (use a Marrett or a crimp on connector), so 
it shouldn't surprise us that duct tape is crappy for ducts.... :)

> > They do sell Duck Tape brand duct tape here in the US as well, but
no one
> I
> > know looks at the label - they look for the silvery-gray tape.
> Real Life is Weirder than Fiction Department:
> Article in yesterday's paper said an engineering research group found
> duct tape has a variety of uses, but oddly enough, it doesn't do well
> sealing ducts.  Apparently they tried 15 or 20 different
> several different tapes (brown package tape, masking tape, clear,
> duct tape came in dead last, "failing consistently and completely".  
Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.  C++ makes
 it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
 -Bjarne Stroustrup

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