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Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 10:04:09 +1200
Subject: Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.

John Atkinson <> wrote:
>>    The WRG rules model the differences so indifferently, that most
>players don't play in certain periods with some nationalities as they
>know that certain combinations are ineffective, even though they were
>effective in WWII. For example, early war German tanks can't destroy
>French and English >tanks. Also, mid war German tanks can't destroy
>Russian tanks.
>Which, quite frankly, is such crap.  Any tank can kill any other.
>Remember this.  I've seen the pictures of the Tiger taken out by 37mm.
>And the only game I know which models this fact of warfare is Dirtside
>II.  You pull the boom chit, the target is gone.  End of story.  Most
>games don't have that option.	Also regards those mid-war German tanks,
>PzIIIs _regularly_ scrapped T-34s.  Why?  Visibility out of the T-34s
>was so bad that, in combination with piss-poor crew training, the
>Germans generally could maneuver for flank and rear shots at close
>range and get them before the Russians realized what was happening.
    Absolutely correct in real life! The WRG rules wouldn't simulate it!
could completely encircle a tank, fire constantly and have no effect on
in WRG rules! Which is why I no longer use them!
    Thanks for the example, John!

>>    A GMS/H or GMS/3 that hits can spoil anyone's day. Be sure to
>avoid >them! Play with lots of blocking terrain. Blind them with smoke.
>Hit them >with mine fields fired from artillery. Call in aerospace
>Buy decent ECM and PDS for the heavy tanks that are the main targets.
>Or @()$&Q)@!_$*% #$ Reactive Armor.
    Yes, that as well. Also, some ZAD/ADS vehicles to shoot GMS down.

Andrew Martin
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