Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 10:52:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: GZG DS2 Mikko: Genres for DS2.
You wrote:
> If you want, you can have no limitations, just a points value per
side. >Then the game rapidly decays down to who has the most nukes and
forward >observers, and is lucky with their morale rolls.
To be honest, I've NEVER met a DSII gamer who actually wanted to use
nuclear weapons or biochems. Maybe it's just me. . .
But that's the only limitation we usually play with. I limit _myself_
to a few standard forces, all on my webpage (Ditto FT). But the other
guy, if he can come up with better stuff, he can go for it. I doubt
anyone will be able to whip up a force that can beat me with simple
design tricks (if you think you can, e-mail me), so it's down to
tactics, which I prefer. If I took a BTechish force, then all it would
take would be intelligent designing to beat me.
John M. Atkinson