Re: Gauss Weapons
From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 22:23:39 -0600
Subject: Re: Gauss Weapons
>Thomas Barclay wrote:
>> Well, you'd get lighter ammo (hence you could have more). You'd get
>> low signature firing which makes locating your weapon based on
>> signature harder. You'd probably be much kinder to the ears of the
>> crew too. And it would be a good way to work around to tank guns and
>> infantry gauss weapons too.
>> Tom.
>The low signature is moot. Counter-battery fire is currently done by
>radar to track the projectiles in flight, and since they are ballistic,
it is
>easy enough to back-calculate their point of origin. That's why towed
>artillery is out of fashion - it takes too long to hook up and scoot in
a mobile
Besides, with a few passive EM sensors you could easily localize
the Gauss weapons from the EM pulse they generate when they fire.
- Sam
Samuel Reynolds