[SG2] [DS2] GE Mechanics
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 17:29:26 -0500
Subject: [SG2] [DS2] GE Mechanics
MBaines spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> I would think that even an armoured GEV would have enough mass/inertia
> a reasonably sized weapon with conventional recoil compensation could
> and not be too disrupted. The problem is that the rules allow a size 3
> Tracked, Wheeled or GEV to mount essentially the same turret/weapon
> combination. Certainly GEVs armed the GMS or HEL weapons could move
> fire same for small calibre RFACs etc. I could also see fast moving
> that would stop momentarily, plant themselves on the ground and fire a
> quick rounds with a large calibre weapon and move off. Maybe there
> be restriction on the size of recoiling weaponry carried on GEVs.
How about this: GEV can mount weapons with recoil (MDCs and RFACs)
to a limit of one size class smaller than the vehicle size class (ie
size three vehicle can only mount RFAC 2 or MDC 2). This gives
tracklayers and solid platform vehicles (grav tanks meet this
criteria because of grav control) an advantage when mounting
non-energy weapons.
> My concern is with Fixed Mount weapons, we often refer to these as
> Destroyers. The classic Tank Destroyers of WWII were lower silohette,
> increased armour and maybe a larger gun when contrasted against a
> comparable turreted model. I think there should be some advantage to a
> other than mounting multibarrels. This has nothing to do with the fact
> I have tons of fixed-gun light tanks.
How about this for tank destroyers (anything with fixed forward
firing main ordinance - just like some of the TOG tanks in Renegade
Legion): If the main ordinance of a vehicle is mounted in a fixed
forward mount, it can only fire at targets within an arc 30 degrees
either side of its centreline (and probably only for a stationary
vehicle, no movement allowed or half move limit), but the weapon can
exceed the size class of the vehicle by one size class.
Thus we get the Tracklaying class 3 TD with class 4 MDC and the RFAC
2 armed class 3 Medium GEV Tank.
Just some ideas!
Thomas Barclay
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255
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