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Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

From: Darryl Adams <darryl_adams@o...>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 12:11:00 +1000
Subject: Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

Ground Zero Games wrote:

> Just a thought (not an [OFFICIAL] idea...) - if jetbike troops take a
> suppression while mounted, do an immediate reaction test (TL to be
> determined - ideas?) - if they pass, then they can continue moving, if
> fail then the have to do a "crash dismount" - get the bikes on the
> fast, probably with a risk of damaging some of them, and riders roll
> into whatever cover is available?
> Jon (GZG)

  I like it. ALL HAIL JON!

BTW, do people use each jet bike as 1 organic unit ,or each bike as a


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