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Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

From: Darryl Adams <darryl_adams@o...>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:52:09 +1000
Subject: Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

I thought of that Owen, but then its gets sillier.

Any smart player would take pot shots at the just so they can not
dismount, thus
invalidating the purpose of the troops.The only way is to withdraw from
ro find cover.

Maybe it is the way I use them, but I use them to get units to
places on the field. Unless there is lots of covor, just 1 suppression

The best way to use them, is to allow them to dismount while suppress
(any idiot
can dsimount a bike, an APC is alot harder).

There is IMHO a good need for cavalry rules for SGII, something for Bugs


Glover, Owen wrote:

> Hmm, Darryl, whilst mounted the troopies do take the suppressions into
> account. For one thing they can't dismount suppressed??
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darryl Adams []
> Sent: Sunday, 30 August 1998 8:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.
> I use the Mike Broadbents jetbikes,and find a strange quirk in the
> If you use them as light horse (dismountable) , while mounted ,they
> suppression ,but when they dismount, they inherit all of their
> This males their use as dismounted troops extramly hard.
> Darryl
> Wayne wrote:
> > Hi,
> >	    Does anyone have any rules for using jetbikes in Stargrunt. 
> has
> > probably come up before so a quick point in the direction to finding
> > something is all I need.
> >
> > Wayne.

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