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Re: Anti-armor mines!

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:01:14 -0500
Subject: Re: Anti-armor mines!

John spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> This is why, in me house rules, I'm deliberately pointing out that 
> these are NOT metal detectors, but Ground Peneterating Radars, IRs, 
> chemical sniffers, and God Alone knows what else..

Possibly the same tech as ultrasonic imagers and MRI machines. 
Something that can image map the ground ahead of you.... and thus you 
can detect mines by their different density properties which are thus 
pretty hard to make in such a way as to fool the detectors. 
> True AP will either be area effect (M-16&-18 series) or derivations of

> the 'Toe Popper' M-14.  To have the ooph to effect PA, Walkers, and 
> other light armored vehicles will be beyond the toe poppers, but the 
> area effect ones might do so at close range.	You could also have a 
> straight "Heavy AP" or "Light AT" blast mine mixed in with your AP and

> AT mines.  My bet is that they would be called Light AT in keeping
> the current political idiodicy associated with "Anti-Personell Mines".

Or you could use the 'off-track' mines which engage the target with 
the equivalent of a LAW/ARMBURST (IAVR or MLP round?). They are good 
for M-kills on tanks, kills period on APCs, and would probably do for 
an IW rather handily. At least blow a leg off and watch it lie there 
and kick with its one good leg.... (and the comment about the pilot 
not being able to take the 5-6meter drop well applies here!). 

This brings to mind the point that (humor injection on) if I blow a 
leg off a soldier, it takes seven to take care of him. If I blow a 
leg off a walker, do seven members of the squadron have to stop to 
take care of it? (humor injection off). It's just a kind of funny 
image "Quick Alpha One-Six, Alpha One-Five has lost a leg at the 
knee. Get Alpha One-Four, One-Three, and One-Two and we'll carry him 
out of here. Alpha One-One, tourniquet the broken limb - he's leaking 
hydraulic fluid and coolant!"

(Sorry, I have a strange sense of the funny sometimes.)


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