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Re: Modeling Solar Sail Ships

From: Trevor Dow <adspirit@p...>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:46:59 +1100
Subject: Re: Modeling Solar Sail Ships

Mark A. Siefert. wrote:
> Hello:
>	  OK, here's a tough one!
>	  I've been thinking of trying to create a fleet of solar sail
> vessels. (Don't ask me why, we miniature gamers like to think of such
> things.)  However, I've hit one snag:  How in the heck do I model the
> actual "sail."  First I thought of using plastic wrap glued to a frame
> of some sort, but I disarded that quickly because it was transpartent
> and it would sag and look very sloppy.  Tin foil was my next thought.
> But that's too heavy and would look horrible if wrinkled.  Mylar would
> be best if I could find a way to make it fit snuggly against the
> sail frame.  Does anyone have any thoughts?
> --
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
>	  The foundation of collectivism is simple: There should be no
> economic differences among people. No one should be too rich. No one
> should be
> too poor. We should "close the wealth gap."  This is a very powerful
> idea.
> This is a very common idea.  This is a very bad idea.
>				       --P.J. O'Rourke
>					 From his speech "Closing the
Wealth Gap"
>					 Shanghai, China.  1997
Hello all
You could try stretching model areo dope in a wireframe( a bit like 
forming a soap bubble)if you wanted it transparant, or better still just

use thin aluminium foil, the kind you find sealing drinking choclate 
tins. This foil is very light and won't ripple or tear like kitchen 
foil. I once used this material to produce sails on a 1/300 model of 
Nelsons Victory. It works just well with a bit of effort as furled 
sails, but I think in this case furled sails would look more like roller

Happy modelling
Trevor Dow
Adventurous Spirit

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