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Re: Infantry Walkers

From: mehawk@t... (Michael Sandy)
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 10:25:34 -0800
Subject: Re: Infantry Walkers

I think that the first time we see powered armor it will be
in a police SWAT team role.  When you have a need for an
armored vehicle on the 12th floor of an apartment complex.
for example.

It might not even have an independant power source, getting
its power from a long heavy duty cable.

Because the power requirements are such a hassle, I think
the military will be fairly late in getting power armor.
Walkers may prove useful in various rescue situations,
pulling people out of burning or collapsed buildings.

Powered Infantry probably wouldn't have anywhere near the
endurance of human infantry.  You can land infantry with
a couple of weeks of supplies and not have to send
helicopters into areas infested with anti-air missiles
every few hours to resupply them.  Powered infantry
end up looking like the Tin Woodsmen or Tik Tok after
their power source runs down.

Michael Sandy 

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