RE: Infantry Walkers
From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 17:13:24 -0500
Subject: RE: Infantry Walkers
Is that the one that traces the development of the 'fighting suit' from
construction origins to super-tech planet-killers? If it is, yes, I did
read it. Some of it's super-tech ideas are really neat - no arms or
just liquid-metal (a la Terminator 2) nubs that extrude any shape
with any articulation. Good conceptual use of remote sensors, and some
neat little artworks.
But as far as GZG-era IWs are concerned, I think they might be viable,
In reference to a previous posting, I would keep the mobility cost of
at 100% to compensate for their new mobility (evade when running, no
walker-sig penalty when not moving). Without those, IWs probably should
not be costed that high.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nyrath the nearly wise []
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 1998 06:50 AM
Subject: Re: Infantry Walkers
Noah Doyle wrote:
> While I agree that traditional mecha/walkers have severe combat limita
> (to the point of uselesness), I can see a place for Infantry walkers,
> a few assumptions. Within the framework & style of the GZG universe,
> don't seem to outrageous:
> Infantry walkers are at least as mobile and dextrous as Powered Armor.
> They would not have to accomodate human limbs inside their limbs -
> would allow a great range of motion.
Have you ever seen the cute article THE WARBOTS by Christopher
( collected in POWERED ARMOR ed by Joe Haldeman (?))
The first warbots were essentially as you describe them.
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