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Re: GZG List Code proposal.

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 11:47:29 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG List Code proposal.

Jonathan spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> >>Game Related:
> >>[FT] 
> >>[DS]
> >>[SG]

Easy to memorize.
> >>Other game things
> >>[MIN] (posts about miniatures, micro machines etc)
> >>[TER] (posts about building terrain etc)
> >>[TIP] (any other useful *GAME* tips)

Not so likely
> >>Secondary subjects
> >>[BCK] - background info and discussion - all the politics etc
> >>[ENT] - discussion about TV, movies, books etc

What about [GEN] for general interest? Like stuff on modern 
equipment, or fascinating things like that that some list members may 
find interesting but aren't a game system component or rule or don't 
seem to fit in the other tags? 

> >>Specials
> >>[ANN] - This one's for me. Important list messages go under this
> >>subject. I *expect* everyone to read these, and I also expect all
> >>to be redirected to me personally. Jon T could also use this for
> >>GZG news.

Must admit I prefer the longer [OFFICIAL] that Jon T was using 
earlier. And frankly, its nice enough to here from Jon or Mike that 
I'm happy if they don't use tags too.... (grin) .... but for us other 
profligate offenders - tags seem like a good idea.

> >>[FAQ] - whoever is doing the FAQ, you might want to use this one
> >>you post about it
> >>[OLC] - news about Paul's Online Catalogue

Why not [GZGCAT] or even just [CAT] - and couldn't Nic use this too?
and the [B5] tag should cover B5/EFSB etc. since there is a big 
enough interested user community but they tend to read stuff that 
fits both descriptions.


Thomas Barclay		     
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255

 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.  C++ makes
 it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
 -Bjarne Stroustrup

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