[GZG] Re: GZG List Code proposal.
From: "Simon Duggan" <sduggan@p...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 08:25:09 -0400
Subject: [GZG] Re: GZG List Code proposal.
I would like to agree to this as I subcribe to a number of mailing list
it would be much better to know which ones belong to this list. I for
know I have deleted items from this list thinking that it was one of my
other lists.
Well.... thats my two cents.
> From: Andrew Martin <Al.Bri@xtra.co.nz>
> To: FTGZG-L@bolton.ac.uk
> Subject: GZG List Code proposal.
> Date: Thursday, August 20, 1998 6:31 AM
> I've noticed that some people seem to be aggravated when esoteric GZG
> subjects come up on the mailing list. So why don't we have a code for
> the E-Mail subject lines? That way, a quick press of the delete key
> the irritating, to you, e-mail is gone for good.
> How about: "GZG" first of all? So, if you're on multiple mailing
> lists you can easily sort out which messages are from which mailing
> list.
> If the e-mail is about a specific game system, then "DSII" or
> for Dirtside II, "SG2" or "SGII" for Stargrunt II, "XT" for eXtra
> (FTIII?), "EFSB" or "B5" for Earth Force Source Book or Babylon 5 and
> similar.
> If the e-mail is about future history, we could use Political or
> Organisations or History or Events or just Future History as the case
> may be.
> Meta questions about, say, the mailing list could be: "List". Much
> like my own subject line.
> Silly subjects, like Wombles, can have the code: "Off Topic -
> Wombles." or similar.
> Adverts for sites, club, locations, URL, and similar would be:
> "Advert".
> After these codes would come the description of what the message
> about.
> I welcome comments and suggestions. Here's a water bucket for those
> flames! Splash!
> Andrew Martin
> Shared email: Al.Bri@xtra.co.nz
> Web Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/
> Blind See-Saw Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/SEE-SAW/
> Dirtside II Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/DSII/
> Dirtside II FAQ Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/DSII/FAQ/
> FUDGE Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/FUDGE/