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Re: Fighter Screens vs SLMs

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 22:45:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Fighter Screens vs SLMs

At 07:15 PM 8/18/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Thoughts, just to muddy the issue!
>1) The SLM is called a missile, is mass two (the same size as a normal
>FT/MT missile.).   (Thats one for the fighter intercept school.)

Actually, no, a group of six missiles is mass two.  See page 9 of the
book; six missiles are launched at once, not one missile that then
out a few warheads.  (This is the semi-traditional "anime" missile
here... now, for the Gainax special -- homing lasers! ^_- )

>2) The 'missile' is a dispenser for 6, 1D6 submunitions.   

Er... no, not quite, see above.

>intercepted by a fighter Sq. will the missile attack the ship with the
>normal 1D6 attack or the fighters?   (The rules indicate the attace
>be against 'the nearest ship'.   (The problem here is: How do you
>a 'ship'.)   

The missiles attack the ship; fighters may attack the missiles prior to
them reaching the ship, however.

>3) Can the fighters intercept the SLM missile prior to the submunitions
>being launched?  

That's what they're trying to do, yes.	(Though not "the" missile.)

>4) Does the submunition, if used against a fighter Sq. attack the Sq.
>doing 1D6 per submunition, OR does the individual fighter hit with
>a submunition get 1D6 damage?

Can't use 'em against fighter squadrons, though each fighter trying to
intercept a missile dies on a roll of '6', no rerolls.

					Aaron Teske

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