RE: Infantry Walkers
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 15:55:10 -0700
Subject: RE: Infantry Walkers
I'd add the caveat that, like VTOLs and Aerospace fighters you PAY for
the FGP equivalent powerplant, but in your background, call it whatever
you want. Diesel, Diesel-Electric (that'd be a hoot), nuke-cell, fusion,
Heavy Gear Style Impossible Two-stroke..... Whatever.
> ----------
> From: Andrew Martin[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 3:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Infantry Walkers
> Christopher K Smith <> wrote:
> > Hey, I've been lurking on the list for some time and finally have
> >a question. I am writing a vehicle design program, mostly as an
> exercise,
> >and have some questions about Infantry Walkers.
> That's really nice! Be sure to let us know the URL, thanks!
> > 1. Do they have to use FGPs?
> Yes. All BattleTech and most manga 'Mechs have Fusion power plants.
> However,
> player's forces could differ. And I do know that the US has been
> experimenting with diesel engined walking vehicles. So it would be
> best to
> default to FGP, but allow changing to other types.
> > 2. What does their Mobility Type cost?
> > (ie. Combat Walker is 100% * BVP)
> Depends on the purpose of the infantry walker. Combat or transport.
> Infantry
> walker mobility type is just like regular (size 5) walkers.
> By the way, all sizes of walker should be available from size 1,
> size 2,
> .... size 5 and right up to size 7 or 8. The size 7 or 8 'Mechs give
> about
> the right feel when you compare mech minis to 1/300 tanks minis.
> Andrew Martin
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