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RE: Mapping FT

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 12:09:35 +0100
Subject: RE: Mapping FT

This is a very nice map

>has put over 400 hours into the creation of this database to fit the
>universe. It also includes significant features within 1000 light years
>nebula) and reference points for galactic clusters and arms.
>(Unless you have shares in a mainframe it will be of little use).

Is this actually running on a main-frame then? - can you export the
database in a suitable form to load into other relational databases
such as Access or ORACLE (would you want to :-)

Most modern desktop system have more than enough processing power to
manipulate thousands of records

Are the maps automatically generated from the data or hand painted?

Just curious.

tim jones

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