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Re: Vehicular Flamethrowers for SG2

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 14:22:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Vehicular Flamethrowers for SG2

Rob spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> Some figures for real-world flamethrowers:
> UK WW2 Crocodile- on test, 200 yards, in service typically 120 yards.
> USSR ATO-200 in TO-55 flame tank 180m

So maybe 12" is more than reasonable. 

> USSR WW2 OT-130, OT34 and KV-8 all 80 to 100m
> USA WW2 several types, typically 80 yards claimed
> USA M132 (M113 derivative) 180m
> USA M67 (M48 derivative) "claimed 80 to 250m"
> UK WW2 Cockatrice 300 feet UP in AA mode (!)

Who in heck came up with the FT as an AA weapon? Very unorthodox 
(might work against helicopters though).  

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
66 Iber Road, Stittsville
Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
Reception: (613) 831-0888
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