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Re: Other Forces

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 00:35:09 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Other Forces

You wrote: 

>JTL... Ireland could also go to the NSL as Irish units/decendents
>did serve in the Austrian army in the 1700/1800s.

During the 1700s and 1800s Irish units fought in the Austrian, French, 
Spanish (IIRC, not sure), Mexican, United States, and British armies.  
Plus I'm sure I've missed a few.  Ireland during that time period 
produced two things.  Irishmen and potatoes.  And not enough of the 
latter to provide for the former.  So Irishmen left Ireland (even today 
Ireland's biggest export item is Irishmen) for wherever they could get 
a job.	Including whatever armies were hiring.

>> >	   NSL: Germany, Austria
>> Assume:Lichtenstein.
>JTL... I think most of the old Austria-Hungarian empire would return
>to the NSL. (at least down to Croatia.)

Probably.  Hungary, Chezchs, Slovaks, Slovenia, Croatia.  Bosnia goes 
Islamic Federation (!), Serbs go Romanov, Macedonians do whatever the 
Serbs tell them.  Albania probably ends up FSE due to historic ties to 
Italy.	Romania and Bulgaria go Romanov?  At least in my universe.

>JTL... Turkey might throw its lot in with the NSL or FCT, actually
>anything is preferable to being ruled by arabs.  (they will fight
>to the last man.)

Ummm . . . well, in my background is a bit different--Turks run the 
Islamic Fed.  But I don't see them in with NSL or FSE, really.

John M. Atkinson

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