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RE: UN Ship Nomenclature

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 23:01:18 -0500
Subject: RE: UN Ship Nomenclature


Good point, Tony!  Niall, are you listening?  We've found them!
UNSCS Order - SDN, no two ways about it.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Tony Wilkinson []
Sent:	Wednesday, August 12, 1998 02:20 AM
Subject:	Re: UN Ship Nomenclature

	I think the UN just became the Culture :)


At 16:57 11/08/98 -0400, you wrote:
>God I'd hate to serve on a battlecruiser named the UNS Cultural
> wrote:
>> > Well, I still need a name-type for the Light Cruiser, Destroyer,
Frigate &
>> > Corvette.	I'm trying to stick with natural features, to avoid
>> > UN into political mudfights (Hey, you named a carrier after them
and only
>> > an Escort Cruiser after us?).  ANy ideas?
>> how about human rights? the UNSs:
>> Life, Liberty and Security
>> Freedom from Slavery
>> Freedom from Torture
>> Legal Recognition
>> Legal Equality
>> Effective Remedy
>> Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest
>> Fair Trial
>> Presumption of Innocence
>> Privacy
>> Freedom of Movement
>> Asylum
>> Nationality
>> Marriage''Property
>> Freedom of Conscience
>> Freedom of Expression
>> Assembly and Association
>> Participation in Government
>> Social Security
>> Work
>> Rest and Lesiure
>> Standard of Living
>> Education
>> Cultural Participation
>> Order
>> i admit they are pretty long-winded names, but then that's the UN for
>> however, you could then get amusing stuff like the UNS Life, Liberty
Security bombarding civilian population centres, the UNS Privacy being
assigned to sigint work or the UNS Freedom of Movement to blockade duty.
>> the un declaration on human rights can be found at:
>> alternatively, the names of treaties etc could be used: the UNS
the UNS Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UNS Geneva
Convention, etc
>> Tom

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