FTL Fighters
From: jeremy claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:34:03 +0100 ()
Subject: FTL Fighters
The system I use for FTL cappable fighters is to allocate the same
points per fighter as fitting a FTL drive on a mass 2 ship.
I worked this out to be 6 points.
This might sound cheap but don't forget the limited endurance
factor and we don't allow FTL fighters to jump back in a second
time during the match.
This does change gameplay some what in that players allocate which
fighter groups and on which turn they will jump in before the game
It works a bit like the X-wing/Tie fighter computer games.
Groups of torpedo bombers jump in fire torps and then jump out.
Makes it quite interesting.
jeremy claridge