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Castles in Ireland

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 10:39:34 -0700
Subject: Castles in Ireland

At 05:45 PM 8/10/1998 +0100, Niall Gilsenan,  wrote:
>One name I always thought they might use is Grainne Mhaol.  She was a
>famous pirate queen/chieftain off the west coast of Ireland around the
>16th (if I remember correctly) Century.  Although naming a ship after a
>pirate might cause consternation.

	I visited her castle during my Honeymoon two years ago.  You
always love
your first castle.  I would have enjoyed Blarney Castle if it wasn't for
that stupid stone and the insane line it created...

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!

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