RE: Smoke Generators
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 19:14:27 -0500
Subject: RE: Smoke Generators
Glover, spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> OK, so doe we need to consider that the vehicle using the "smoke" is
> effectively blind in return?? Smoke is a two edged weapon even if it
> advanced smoke.
As I understand such things, there are advanced aerosols which block
visible light spectrum, IR, TI, and (I assume in the future) you will
expect them to block some of the EM band with suspended particulates.
This blindness is a two way blindness as Owen points out, but I was
pretty sure this was deployed out the rear of a vehicle. As long as
the vehicle wasn't stationary, it wouldn't be blind, but would lay
smoke in line behind it. You might have a flanker on each wing doing
this to prevent flank fire by blocking LOS during an advance - but
that flanker itself will be quite vulnerable.
Another tactic I have seen armour perform for their own defence is to
activate the generators and back through the smoke. This blind them,
but they exit LOS of the enemy, which in some cases is more
Remember with smoke you have the following concerns:
1. Who can see through my smoke? What spectra does it block?
If I'm fighting partisans with poor equipment, normal smoke may blind
them but I may be able to see through it just great (If I'm a sealed
tank, I'd even think of using something nastier than plain old smoke
like a chem agent.... but I'm nasty). If I'm fighting modern forces,
my smoke better blind all spectra and that means it'll blind me too,
but if I deploy it smart, that can help make it more effective for me
than my enemy. But I'd better keep recce forces that can see past it
because I'll be blinding myself to enemy actions otherwise.
2. What's the wind like? How fast does the smoke drift or disperse?
This can be a real problem with chem weapons as well.
Just my 0.02 as usual.