Re: DS2 Elegance
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 21:39:07 +1200
Subject: Re: DS2 Elegance
Mikko wrote:
>Other noteworthy things: High powered DFFGs have essentially two
>-- either you fry your target or you fry your weapon. There's
>no middle ground. Class 5 weapons have an annoyingly high rate of
>which could be grounds for further analysis as to whether taking a
>gun is actually beneficial in the long run.
Yes, I noticed that too. With my D12/D20 chit dice table, our informal
rule is that only the first roll uses the D12 and so only the first roll
a chance of getting a FSD/TSD/BOOM/Mobility result. The remaining rolls
a D10, so that no specials come up.
We did this because we noticed the high number of specials coming
up. It
also made open sheaf artillery more useful in that every barrel's first
has the potential to inflict special results. Which seems to give a
impression of fragments flying everywhere.
>However, the full files contain *everything*, starting from full list
>chit pull distributions (which is the only thing you *really* need, the
>rest just makes it easier), you need to recalculate the tables for any
>precision. Basically, you just need to change the rounding point in the
>result tables.
Am I the only one to notice that the original DSII chit distributions
to be rounded off and slightly inaccurate? Does GZG have anything to say
about this?
My web page has the numbered chit distribution here:
You can see the original distribution of the chits:
Colour 0 1 2 3 Total
Red 5 20 15 10 50
Green 3 10 7 5 25
Yellow 3 10 7 5 25
Can you see that the Green and Yellow rows should be:
Colour 0 1 2 3 Total
Green 2.5 10 7.5 5 25
Yellow 2.5 10 7.5 5 25
The green and yellow should be 50% of red.
There is a similar problem with the specials, GZG has rounded them
to 19
chits when they seem to fit better with 20 specials.
Not that I'm nitpicking! And the above distributions are perfectly good
a chit based system. I'm just curious about what the chit system was
developed from originally. Dirtside 1, maybe?
Any one else?
Andrew Martin
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