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Carriers in our Campaign

From: PCARON <Pcaron@c...>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 20:14:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Carriers in our Campaign

Just thought I'd throw this out.

In my FT campaign, I use an interdiction map and random die rolls to
determine where fleets arrive once they come out of FTL.  Movement is
determined by the NS thrust rating of each ship (fleets move at the
slowest rating).  Fighters have a move of 12.  Carriers may launch
squadrons from a distance.  Keeping track of endurance is too much of a
chore for our group so we don't bother.

Movement on the interdiction map occurs at the beginning of every
turn using an impulse chart similar to SFB.  Tactical combat and
interdiction movement use the same timescale, that is, at the beginning
each tactical turn, players move their fleets on the interdiction map
then plot movement for the tactical turn.

Realistic... NO.  Easy to play and fun.  Yes.  Carriers are very
desireable in our groups now.  Before we started doing this, most
in our groups didn't use fighters much ( I know, didn't make much sense
me either).  Now they do and the interdiction map somehow makes carriers
"feel" right for out group.

Just thought I'd toss this out there...

<lurk mode: ON>


Peter Caron

"There is no nation on earth so dangerous as a nation fully armed, and
bankrupt at home."
			Henry Cabot Lodge

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